When You Order from Alumni Chairs,
You Support Your Alma Mater
The typical college or university receives royalty fees and administrative fees as a result of product sales. The same benefit holds for sales of your school’s chairs. There are several benefits:
- Fund academic programs
- Fund scholarship programs
- Support fellowship programs
- Support athletic programs
- Foster and bolster alumni loyalty
- Assist in student recruiting
- Enhance institutional advancement and philanthropy
Sales of collegiate products including college chairs sales are typically organized through each institution’s trademark licensing program.
Licensing programs exist to protect the name and important symbols of institutions and to enhance the image of the institution through the signing of licensing agreements authorizing the use of the protected marks on high quality and tasteful merchandise. It is also the responsibility of the trademark licensing office to ensure that the institution will receive the appropriate commercial value for the use of its trademarks. The benefits of a licensing program are the following:
- Directs revenues to various departments and programs at the institution
- Preserves institutional history by protecting historically significant and important trademarks
- Maintaining a positive image of the institution.
- Enables the institution to control how and by whom the institution can be represented.
- Provides a mechanism by which objects, designs, and images that are dear to the members of the institution, can be distributed to alumni and friends of the institution
- Enables the institution to enforce policies regarding its trademarks and images